Tammy Iskarous
Social Enterprise
10 years ago, Tammy Iskarous had a vision to bring smaller nonprofits all under one roof in order for them to work together holistically for families in crisis due to violence, addiction, homelessness and poverty. Riverbend Family Ministries, an incubator model of care has been recognized by leaders in Madison County and Illinois. She has been on the boards of other nonprofits, such as YWCA- Alton, Wood River Library, Phillips 66 Community Action Panel, Wood River Business Alliance, Wood River Women Club, a past Wood River Rotarian and PEO, just to name a few. She is active in her local church and is part of the First Impressions Team and has a strong voice in the mission work that is done through her congregation. She has clocked more than 30,000 volunteer hours – and she would be the first one to tell you that there’s more work to be done.